Learning Technology

Making educational technology easy and effective at Ohio State

Learning Technology works toward digital solutions for faculty, staff, and teachers. We create innovative spaces for teachers to collaborate and use great tools. We work to make education more affordable through resources that are low or no cost. We train professionals across the university in software and tools that make work easier. We make learning easier and more accessible, wherever you are at Ohio State.

Our Impact

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

16 Boot Camps offered for iTunes U and iBooks authors

27 Interactive Books added to digitalbookstore.osu.edu

70+ iTunes U Courses developed for free public use

300 Workshops offered to campus community

26 Online GEs developed over two-year initiative

181 iPads deployed to students via Digital First Impact Grants and Zirkle Innovation Funds

73 iPads deployed to Orientation Leaders and STEP Students

$100,000 Awarded to rollout mobile technology on campus