A Refresh for Your Favorite Web Conferencing Tool

CarmenConnect was updated to version 9.5 on Sunday, May 13. The update includes notable changes to how meetings are exported and mobile functionality.

Download Recordings to MP4 Format

Choices, choices. CarmenConnect users are no longer limited to exporting their recorded meetings as an FLV file. Now, they have the option to download and save as an MP4.

"The process is no different than the existing make offline feature, just that the user now gets the ability to choose the format (MP4/FLV) of the offline recording file. (The) user is also given further options to choose some quality settings of the MP4 file to be created through some presets as well as through a manual settings option (Advanced Options)." *Quote and image from Adobe Connect 9.5 What’s New.

Mobile App Functionality

On the go, but still need to attend a meeting? Great news. CarmenConnect users can now join meetings through the Adobe Connect Mobile app. Use a smartphone or tablet, but please note that when using mobile apps to connect to a CarmenConnect meeting, you will not be able to login using your Ohio State username and password. Sign in as a guest to enter existing meetings.

Learn more about how to use CarmenConnect for meetings, virtual discussions, seminars, office hours and more.