Reflecting on the Ch-ch-ch-changes 2016 Brought ODEE

During this time of year, we all reflect back at the past 11.5 months, remembering the highs, the lows, and the adventures the year brought us.

The Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) is trekking down memory lane this week and next, reviewing the top ten viewed features and announcements of the year. From online programs and innovative spaces, to Carmen migration and grant programs, the year brought its share of successes and changes.

Here’s the start of our countdown of the top ODEE stories of the year.

10. Fourth Annual HackOHI/O Welcome Hundreds from Around Region(December)

HackOHI/O welcomed more than 750 students from 26 schools from around the Midwest for the fourth annual 24-hour hackathon. The weekend-long event works to support and grow tech culture on campus and in surrounding communities by providing students with an informal and effective learning platform to develop skills outside the classroom setting. Read full article here

9. New at the DU: 3-D, Poster and Color Printing (January)

Want to bring your design to life via 3-D printing? Need to print a poster for a class project? Or maybe you want to print your graphically-designed resume in color? You can now do all three at the Stillman Hall Digital Union, where 3-D, poster and color printing are now available for students, faculty and staff. Read full article here

8. People like Canvas! (February)

If you’ve been feeling growing pains in your relationship with Carmen, you’re not alone. Nearly a year ago the search began to find the best learning management system (LMS) to upgrade CarmenCourses. One solution rising above the rest was Canvas. During autumn 2015, Ohio State underwent a rigorous pilot of Canvas to test if it could be a viable alternative to D2L. Read full article here


Graphs showing increased preference for Canvas over D2L by faculty and students


7. The Present and Future of State Authorization Progress (April)

State authorization is a complex requirement of state regulatory agencies, driving institutions like The Ohio State University to become authorized before offering any type of education or promotional activities within another state’s border. Achieving state authorization is a collective institutional goal, demanding participation from all academic and many support units. The State Authorization Team has been working diligently to gain all of the necessary approvals for Ohio State’s online programs. Read full article here

6. Instructors Share Their Best Canvas Tips (November)

It's crunch time for adopting the Canvas LMS! While you're building out those master courses for spring semester, review the following #protips from instructors who have been successfully teaching in Carmen (Canvas). Read full article here

Be sure to visit the ODEE website next week for part two of our countdown.