2018 Student Placement Data Collection Underway

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Student placement data collection for the 2018 National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA) report is underway.

The state authorization team, in partnership with the Office of Institutional Research and Planning, distributed placement course enrollment list and data review instructions to the State Authorization Liaison and data contacts in each unit.

Please review, update and return course enrollment lists by December 14, 2018. Detailed instructions can be found at go.osu.edu/SARAdeadline. If you have data questions or if you would like the team to resend placement data, you can contact the state authorization team at odee-stateauth@osu.edu.

Submission of this report enables Ohio State to continue participation in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). SARA allows Ohio State to enroll students in online courses and to place students in field experiences, such as internships and clinicals, in all 49 SARA member states without seeking individual approvals in each state. This streamlines the authorization process and greatly reduces the fees required to comply with state distance education regulations.

Please contact the State Authorization Team if you have any questions about the NC-SARA data collection process.