Educational Studies

Impact Grant
Date Selected: 
December, 2012
Project Lead: 
David Stein
Additional Participants: 
Connie Wanstreet
Lynn Trinko


Dr. Stein, Educational Studies (EHE), Dr. Constance Wanstreet, Educational Studies (adjunct, EHE; Director, Web Communications, OSU Alumni Association), and Lynn Trinko, Director of Educational Technology (EHE), produced two versions of a 5-day online training program to prepare Graduate Teaching Assistants with immediate basic skills needed to teach online. Individual and interactive elements of the course were built to assess their readiness and improve skills in planning, managing, facilitating, and assessing learner performance in an online environment. An OSU/Carmen and an iTunes U version of the boot camp were developed in order to maximize both the local experience of the course and its reach. The project produced an e-book to provide guidance, video clips to share teaching tips from experienced GTAs, and challenges to simulate the feel of the online classroom. A pilot version was tested Fall Semester 1, 2013, with 31 participants; and a revised pilot was fielded Spring Semester 1, 2014, with 21 participants, all GTAs with teaching responsibilities.


  • A self-directed and self-paced training program for new instructors can and does improve feelings of confidence and skill in teaching an online class.
  • 75% of OSU attendees increased the degree to which they agreed that they can get to know their students as well online as they do in person
  • 67% of OSU attendees increased the degree to which they agreed that they can connect well with their students
  • Support from all levels of the college and university is necessary to build a campus-wide online learning experience, such as having an instructional design team to help develop materials.
  • Developing a multimedia mobile and desktop learning system requires time equivalent to teaching at least two semester courses.
  • Online instruction will not improve beyond merely using technology unless training is required before an instructor teaches on line.
  • Good luck and previous face-to-face teaching do not make for excellence in online teaching.