Teaching Strategies
Teaching Strategies
Research on online learning shows that these four areas have significant impact on student learning, engagement and satisfaction. The following are a variety of possible strategies and resources for incorporating these areas into online courses. Successful courses need not employ all of these strategies.
Instructor Presence
Students’ perception of instructor presence has an effect on their engagement; students are more engaged when their instructors are a frequent and positive presence in the course.
Key Resources
Scholarly Evidence
Student Peer Contact
Students engage more in courses when they have an opportunity to interact with their peers and feel they are part of a community of learners.
Key Resources
Scholarly Evidence
Variety of Teaching Methods
Students understand and engage with course material in a variety of ways. Overall student success in a course is maximized when there are frequent, varied learning activities.
Scholarly Evidence
Metacognition and Student Support
Students have successful, meaningful experiences when they understand how the components of a course connect together, when they have guidance on how to study, and when they are encouraged to take ownership of their learning.
Key Resources
Scholarly Evidence