Over the winter break, updates were made to Carmen Canvas , Mediasite and Zoom to make sure these tools were ready for a new semester at Ohio State. You may notice preferred last names across Carmen, the removal of Box integrations, a new look and feel for MyMediasite and an easy way to import your Zoom cloud recordings into Mediasite .
A new semester is approaching, and whether you are teaching in-person, online or hybrid, it’s time to review what’s new in the eLearning toolset at Ohio State.
Many instructors as asking, “What do I need to do with my CarmenCanvas courses that have links to files in Box?” Before you go through each course, locate Box links and replace them, we encourage you to take some time to think about the best way to approach your files. You may want to move some files from OneDrive to another location that will create a better learning experience for your students.
Get ready for a new semester by reviewing important updates to the eLearning toolset. Learn how the migration from Box to OneDrive could impact your CarmenCanvas course; discover a new view in CarmenZoom and learn how to add guest lecturers to your secure meetings; and make sure your Mediasite desktop recording app has been updated to the latest version.
As we wrap up the first term of spring 2021, there are a few new features in CarmenCanvas and a new emergency grading policy you should be aware of as you prepare to submit final grades.
While you are preparing for the upcoming spring semester, you will notice a few feature enhancements and changes within the learning management system. The most prominent change will be the new Rich Content Editor (RCE), which has been available to test since February 2020. Along with this change, we will be enabling enhancements for student assignments and there will be slight changes to the Gradebook and the Upload/Record Media button in the RCE.
It is important for instructors to create consistency for their students. Using a few key features in CarmenCanvas, including announcements, will remove unnecessary barriers to learning and can reduce stress for both students and instructors.
While you are building your courses for next semester, you may notice a few new features in CarmenCanvas, including a new dashboard view, multiple-file upload for modules and the removal of the Conferences tool, BigBlueButton.
Summer semester may look a bit different this year, but CarmenCanvas is still upgrading and innovating to improve the online teaching and learning experience. Find out what’s new in the LMS and get a quick refresher on the typical start-of-term happenings.
At the end of the Spring ’20 semester, a new and improved RCE will replace the current version in CarmenCanvas—but it’s also available now for you to explore. We encourage you to test out the new RCE in your courses by opting in on the Course Settings page.