The District of Columbia Higher Education Licensure Commission (HELC) has granted approval for The Ohio State University to continue to operate in Washington, D.C.
Initial approval for Ohio State’s on-ground activities in...
A new semester is approaching, and whether you are teaching in-person, online or hybrid, it’s time to review what’s new in the eLearning toolset at Ohio State.
You may already know that we are retiring BuckeyeBox by the end of 2021 and transitioning to Microsoft Teams and OneDrive for Business. Since fewer students are on campus during the summer, we began moving student in June.
We will complete file migrations at the beginning of Autumn...
OCIO is excited to welcome Cindy Leavitt, who will become Ohio State's next Chief Information Officer on Monday, Sept. 20. Provost Gilliam calls Leavitt an accomplished IT leader with three decades of experience at national research universities and technology companies. Her appointment is...
To prepare you to transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive, OCIO continues to offer online webinars – part of a series that we will be hosting regularly, on a rotating basis. These online classes have an in-person instructor who will walk you through the applications and answer your questions.
Class is back in session, but have you thought about how you are going to pay for your textbooks this school year? Before you go running to the bookstore, check out the different services University Libraries has to offer.
Many instructors as asking, “What do I need to do with my CarmenCanvas courses that have links to files in Box?” Before you go through each course, locate Box links and replace them, we encourage you to take some time to think about the best way to approach your files. You may want to move some files from OneDrive to another location that will create a better learning experience for your students.