Get ready for a new semester by reviewing important updates to the eLearning toolset. Learn how the migration from Box to OneDrive could impact your CarmenCanvas course; discover a new view in CarmenZoom and learn how to add guest lecturers to your secure meetings; and make sure your Mediasite desktop recording app has been updated to the latest version.
Teaching through a pandemic has highlighted the struggle to build community and equity in the landscape of online education. Enter Maha Bali. As the keynote speaker at this year’s Innovate conference on Wednesday, May 5 , Maha will explore the ways in which equity and care must work together if we are to truly connect with our students and each other .
In 2010, new federal regulations were released that would have a significant impact on higher education.
These regulations required institutions offering postsecondary distance or correspondence education across state lines to meet individual state requirements in...
To prepare you to transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive, OCIO continues to offer online webinars – part of a series that we will be hosting regularly, on a rotating basis. These online classes have an in-person instructor who will walk you through the applications and answer your questions.
Tax day is normally April 15, but with the stress many of us have experienced over the last year, even the IRS is giving Americans a break -- by extending the filing deadline to May 17 . Cybercriminals, however, will not offer us any such kindness. Recently, several Ohio State students were targeted by an IRS impersonation phishing lure.
To prepare you to transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive, OCIO continues to offer online webinars – part of a series that we will be hosting regularly, on a rotating basis. These online classes have an in-person instructor who will walk you through the applications and answer your questions. In...
Visitors of websites expect a level of privacy, choice and care with their information, such as browsing information, preferences, or things they choose to share with us. Ohio State has made a commitment to honor these choices and provide transparency in our privacy practices, both to provide...
By popular demand, we are offering more online webinars – part of a series that we will be hosting regularly, on a rotating basis. These online classes will have an in-person instructor who will walk you through the applications and answer your questions. In addition to OneDrive and Teams, we...