As programs are added to Ohio State’s online offerings, instructors and staff are becoming even more involved in teaching and creating dynamic courses online. The Quality Matters (QM) training process is available to those committed to developing...
State Science Day offers more than 100 scholarships for K-12 students based on their scientific research and communication skills in science, technology, engineering, and math.
This year, more than 1,100 STEM scholars in more than 320 schools in grades 5-12 across Ohio took home a share...
Digital tools create new opportunities to facilitate learning, for example through student assessment. These new tools, such as “badging,” make it possible to capture students’ learning in addition to the different kinds of experiences that shape them into Ohio State scholars and citizens....
Over the past couple of weeks, we have added a large selection of instructional videos to Carmen's help documentation.
The majority of these videos were produced by Carmen's vendor, D2L. The process in each video is accurate, though in some cases the screenshots may not match with Carmen...
College Ready Ohio shares research trip lessons learned
"Technology involves more than than just tangible tools, machines, and factories. It also involves the abstract thought and cultural practices that provide the contexts for such things and make them possible." - Larry A. Hickman
In college, students are expected to be proactive not reactive. Undergraduates need to feel comfortable independently identifying when they need assistance in course work and what resources to use to better their understanding of the material. Blended high school classrooms allow students to...