Data Privacy Days - Register Today!

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Ohio State’s mission to deliver excellence in privacy requires new and innovative uses of personal information to foster data-driven decisions. Join the conversation by attending Data Privacy Days in 2020.

Throughout the new year, Privacy@Ohio State is proud to offer several events that will provide information about university privacy strategy and practices. There will also be opportunities to share your ideas, ask questions and collaborate with others from across the university!

Data-driven decisions are key to aligning all university strategies. This is why we’re aiming to strategically utilize personal information that helps improve student success analytics, mobility around our campuses and enhanced digital personalization—all of which requires transparency and appropriate and compliant privacy practices.  

As Ohio State continues along this journey, the University Senate's Council on Distance Education Libraries and Information Technology (DELIT) committee selected “Privacy@OhioState” as a working group sub-topic. The goal of Privacy@OhioState is to spark a conversation across our community about privacy, digital footprints and privacy personas. 

Throughout the year we are hosting Data Privacy Days to discuss our goals and all things privacy@ohiostate. 

Our first event will be held on National Data Privacy DayJanuary 28, 2020 at Pomerene Hall in the Ideation Zone. The event takes place from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. with a reception and open discussion to follow from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

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