Instructors: Do you ever need to access CarmenCanvas on the go? Instructure, the company behind the Canvas LMS, just released a new mobile app to keep you connected when you are away from your desk. Introducing the Canvas Teacher App—your one-stop shop for managing online courses on your iOS and...
When faced with the choice between an in-person class and an online-only course, some students may opt for online, thinking it will be easier. However, many students struggle in online courses, and...
With more than 300 instructors teaching online across many of university departments, online instruction is on the rise at The Ohio State University. To help break down the institutional silos and cultivate a community of online instructors, the Distance Education Learning and Teaching Academy (...
Russia has taken center stage in Washington DC and national news of late. While it may seem like a recent development, Department of History PhD Candidate Pietro Shakarian recognizes that complicated relations between Russia and the United States are nothing new. Shakarian created his podcast ‘...
Creating an awesome online course is like following your favorite recipe – start with a base, add the meat, and finish off with a little bit of spice. And like cooking some award-winning chili, the English as a Second Language Composition (ESL) program slow cooked their online courses with the...
Are you planning a webinar? Do you want to allow for group participation during your presentation? How about the ability to record the presentation to share later? Now throw in the challenge that you will have guests from outside the university attending this unique online meeting. Can it all be...
With the many layers to state authorization and its university-wide impact, it is crucial to have university champions implementing new policies and procedures to maintain compliance. At The Ohio State University, the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) is doing...
What makes a great video? Is it the right idea, professional equipment, quiet space, or all of the above? Recently, the College of Optometry found the nexus of necessary factors in the Digital Union Video...
Like many large organizations, Ohio State email accounts continue to be targets of an increasing number of email phishing attacks. We block many of these attacks before they can reach you, but cybercriminals are constantly devising ways to elude our defense systems. Users like you assist us in...
If you’ve used SpeedGrader in CarmenCanvas to mark up student submissions, you are likely familiar with the Crocodoc software that made annotation possible. Later this year, Crocodoc will no longer be supported, but Instructure is already a step ahead!