Teaching in a large classrooms can feel like talking to to a room full of zombies. With large online courses, that feeling of going through the motions can be intensified if the student doesn’t feel connected with the instructor, course, or material. Jacob Bane, ODEE instructional designer,...
Ohio State’s continuing education services are the best in Columbus—but don’t take our word for it. Last summer 12,659 Columbus CEO Readers ranked continuing education programs throughout central Ohio. Ohio State was the top choice, no doubt due to a stellar Student Services team providing top-...
If you had to choose between having food for an entire semester or buying required course materials, what would you do? As dramatic as that may sound, 81% of students on the Columbus campus apply for some form of federal student aid, and many who receive this aid find that these funds are exhausted...
Ohio State’s online programs are on their way to being offered coast to coast. Through the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement , programs are available for students all over – but this is no easy task. Gaining individual state...
3D printing provides value whether it is creating an artifact for a class, a medical device that can help save lives, or a piece of otherwise costly equipment.
ODEE ran a 3D printing pilot last spring in two Digital Union locations: Enarson Classrooms Building and Prior Hall.
Are you looking for ways to engage your students in the classroom? Would you like your class to be more interactive?
The Faculty Innovation Center in Campbell 100, our newest and largest Active Learning Classroom, is set to open in Autumn 2016. With a seat capacity of 65, this space will...
For Innovate 2015 we moved to the Ohio Union and doubled attendance while retaining spectacular ratings in post-survey responses. How will we top that in 2016? Along with our new...
Staying connected is easier than ever for students with the access to social media platforms. Integrating these platforms within your course design will help foster a more engaging classroom environment and develops opportunities for collaboration. Tim Lombardo, ODEE Instructional Designer,...